Come Worship  Learn  Make Friends  Serve the Lord  With Us!




Come Worship  Learn  Make Friends  Serve the Lord  With Us!

Mt. Laurel Church of God


Mt. Laurel Church of God


Simple & Powerful


We believe in one loving, eternal God, who created everything and desires a relationship with us.

Therefore, in our desire to know God, we will love, obey, and worship God and find joy in Him.


We believe Jesus, God in human form, was sent to restore the relationship between God and everyone.

Therefore, we will tell others about Jesus!

Holy Spirit

We believe . . . the Holy Spirit, God living in us, teaches, comforts, guides, and empowers believers with spiritual gifts.

Therefore . . . we will use the Holy Spirit's gifts to glorify God, become more like Jesus, and build God's kingdom.

The Bible

We believe . . . the Bible, God's inspired, enduring, unchanging Word, is our guidebook for faith and conduct.

Therefore . . . we will devote ourselves to studying and obeying the Bible so we may grow in our Christian walk as we lead others to Jesus.

The Church

We believe . . . the Church is all believers in Jesus, diverse, yet unified in love, growing to build God’s kingdom.

Therefore . . . we will assemble together to encourage, teach and equip disciples of Christ to serve others with their individual spiritual gifts.


We believe . . . worship is the Church's gift of reverence and adoration to the one true God forever.

Therefore . . . we will give praise, glory and honor to the Trinity with our words and actions.


We believe . . . humanity, uniquely created male and female in God's image, sinned, but can have eternal life through Jesus.

Therefore . . . we will respect and value human life from conception until our last breath, as we share God's plan of salvation and love with all.

Sin & Salvation

We believe . . . all have sinned, but accepting God’s gift of salvation provides eternal life through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Therefore . . . we will, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, tell others the good news of God’s gift of salvation.


We believe building up one another through encouragement, support, love and unity will promote growth in Christian character.

Therefore, we will proclaim, correct with, and teach Biblical truth in order to produce well-informed Christians who will help grow God's kingdom.


We believe that prayer is a sincere and powerful conversation with God that enriches our relationship with Him.

Therefore, we will praise God, confess our sins, thank Him and pray for others. We will boldly and prayerfully anticipate and listen for God's will, guidance, direction, wisdom and healing.

Eschatology (End Times)

We believe "end times" will begin when God sends Jesus back to take only His followers, both the dead and the living, to live with Him eternally in Heaven, casting those who reject Him to eternal punishment in Hell.

Therefore, we will urgently encourage others to believe in Jesus so they are not condemned to live forever in Hell.

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