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Midweek Encouragement - "Living Each Day Like It’s Your Last”

Pastor Dale Miller • Apr 06, 2023

"Living Each Day Like It’s Your Last”

“Countless singers, poets, and armchair philosophers keep saying, “Live every day like it’s your last.” I get what they’re saying. None of us knows what’s just around the corner, good or bad, so we should take full advantage of every moment we’ve got. Obviously, I’m not saying you should do whatever you want without thinking about the consequences. What started this line of thinking in my pea-sized brain was how Jesus lived this week, Holy Week, His last week on earth as a human like you and me . . . well, sort of. Think about how Jesus spent His last week on earth and how we should live now . . .

Jesus took risks. He risked loving us to His fullest. He didn’t jump out of a plane, go bungee jumping or throw hatchets in a bar. He risked His life and went head to head against the Jewish religious elite. What risks will you take, no matter how big or small they are? They’ll pay off in the end. Well, maybe not throwing hatchets in a bar.

Jesus expressed His feelings. He used words AND actions to tell His disciples how much He loved them during the last meal they ate together. Don’t hold back sharing your emotions with those who are closest to you. You’ll feel better in the end.

Jesus didn’t procrastinate. If you have a list of chores to do, don’t put them off any longer. Get your paperwork done, do your laundry, and make that phone call you’ve been dreading. Can you imagine where we’d be if Jesus had said, “I think I’ll wait until next year to go to the cross”?

Jesus said “yes.” If your friends invite you out, don’t turn them down so you can stay home and watch Netflix. Jesus could’ve said no when He prayed in Gethsemane while His disciples were sleeping, but He said “Not my will, but Yours be done.” You’ll never know what God has in store for you, unless you say “yes” to Him.

Jesus followed His dreams. Instead of waiting until “the time is right” to send out that job application, do it today. Apply for the position you’ve always wanted. Maybe your dream isn’t as big as redeeming all of humankind, but you’ll never realize your dream if you don’t start to see it through now.

Jesus lived in the present. He didn’t regret the past. He knew what the future held, but more than anything, He lived in the moment. Why do you think Jesus never allowed stress to get in His way?

Jesus appreciated what He had. Do you? He knew He was the Son of God and He knew where He was going after His time on earth. He never drove an SUV or squirreled money away in a retirement fund, but He never complained about having to use a rock for a pillow either. I wonder if we realize how blessed WE are to have the friends, family, and our jobs? When we’re grateful for what we have, life will feel a whole lot brighter and the grass will be just as green on our side of the fence.

Jesus never sweated the small stuff. If you knew this was your last week on earth, would you worry about silly little things? Of course not, because doing so is a waste of time. Jesus knew the small stuff would be gone really soon. He lived with no regrets and prioritized His life according to His Father’s will.

         How can you live each day like it’s your last? Look at how Jesus lived His life and what He had to look forward to. Why shouldn’t you live the way He did? You’ll be glad you did! As we come excitedly closer to Resurrection Day, perhaps we should pause, for just a few minutes, to consider what we would do if this week was our last week on earth. Doing so might affect how we spend the rest of our days until our last one finally arrives.

Pastor Dale

Pastor Dale (PD) and Pamela his wife are honored to serve the Mt. Laurel Church of God. If this Mid-Week Encouragement has helped you, perhaps it may encourage someone else. Feel free to share this email with anyone you choose. And if for some reason you'd like to stop receiving PD's Mid-Week Encouragement, just send me an email ( and I'll accommodate your request.

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